Last update:Wed, 08 May 2024

First Sri Lankan Elephant born at Nagoya Zoo

Elephant BabyTwo Sri Lankan elephants in Higashiyama Zoo in Nagoya, Japan, delivered a female baby elephant on Tuesday, 29th January, being the first Asian elephant to be born at Higashiyama Zoo and the 6th Asian elephant to be born in Japan. Anula (11 years) and Kogala (8 years) were brought to Higashiyama Zoo in 2007 from the Pinnawela Orphanage in Sri Lanka.

In the East, hope is rising - new trend destination: Sri Lanka has dream beaches, which have not been accessible for a long time

werra-rundschauSlowly the shades of the coconut trees become visible in front of the skyline getting alight in a milky way. Sidampalam, the old man, which has been responsible for the greenery in the small resort Stardust Beach near Pottuvil at the Southern East Coast, clears the leaves and blossoms. At the East Coast of Sri Lanka, a new day is beginning.

Sri Lanka’s first-ever tourism coffee table book unveiled

Refreshingly-Sri-LankaDeclared the best value tourism destination in 2013 by Lonely Planet, Sri Lanka received its first-ever tourism coffee table book titled 'Refreshingly Sri Lanka', authored by Dr. Nalaka Godahewa, former Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism.

German Monk in Sri Lanka

monkEmbracing Buddhism / He has found a Way to end Suffering / Therefore transforming Ranmali Sa to Lunbini / Passing on his Wisdom to his Countrymen.

Some years ago he still led a life of luxury in his home country Germany. But he strived to a permanent happiness, since he felt that luxury in life wouldn't be there forever. He has now found out that what he was looking for can only found in Buddhism.

Animation of Hambantota International Airport published

hia 380 508An animation showing in detail the new Hambantota International Airport can be found by clicking the following LINK.

More information about Hambantota International Airport can be found HERE.